VICE Analyzes Outcome of Possible California Secession

California has seen their #Calexit movement gain steam after the election. If your political views align with the majority of California voters this could be a good thing for you as the writer at VICE notes. Here is the traction gained post-election. But two days...

The Left Embraces Secession With CalExit

Regardless of your view on the next president the winners of the 2016 election are secession and decentralization. Deep divisions across the country help drive the calls for secession. Tho Bishop writes: One of the potential silver linings from the surprising victory...

#Calexit Proves Even the Left Supports Secession

All the West Coast states voted for Hillary over Trump. Facing defeat the #Calexit secession campaign is gaining steam. Will it spread like a western wildfire to Oregon and Washington? Only time will tell. Metro News covers the reaction: Since Donald Trump’s electoral...

Secession is the Answer to a Nation Divided

Anti-Trump violence has been outbreaking across the country as the Soros funded organizes these protests which are turning violent in many places. Since the election California’s CalEXIT has gained steam and Oregon has seen a secession ballot...
florida secession

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