News on Secession
The Second Wave of Secession
Chris Calton continues his Historical Controversies podcast which is an in-depth review of the Civil War. After Lincoln’s call for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the “Southern Rebellion,” the Upper South states reconsidered their decision to remain in the Union. As...
Plan to Break Up California into 3 States Gets on the Ballot
Decentralization can often be a good thing. The ballot measure aims to break up California into 3 states: Northern California, roughly the Bay Area to the Oregon border; California, which would include six coastal counties, including Los...
Comedian Dave Smith on Secession
Civil Insurrection: A Modest Proposal for Ending the United States
by Fred Reed I see that a man named Sessions, apparently Washington’s Attorney General, threatens to unleash the coercive powers of the federal government against the state of Colorado, his reason being that he does not like the state’s policy with regard to...
Rothbard on National Liberation
by Murray Rothbard The recent rioting and virtual civil war in Northern Ireland points out, both for libertarians and for the world at large, the vital importance of pushing for and attaining the goal of national liberation for all oppressed people. Aside from being a...
“But nullification isn’t listed in the Constitution!”
It doesn't need to be in writing for you to be able to do it.
Civic anarchism: The Spectre of Secession
By David Dürr Equity & Freedom Secession – you can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you can’t touch it. But when it’s there, strange stuff happens: Huge numbers of police in combat gear appear out of nowhere, driving camouflaged armored vehicles, making...
How Decentralization Could Work
Michael Boldin and Jeff Deist discuss.
New California Declares Independence
With the reading of their own version of a Declaration of Independence, founders of the state of New California took the first steps to what they hope will eventually lead to statehood. To be clear, they don’t want to leave the United States, just California....