California secession organizers open embassy in Moscow

There are a few secession movements in California. One wants to create the 51st State of Jefferson and another wants an independent country which has now opened an emabassy in Moscow. California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend, at least in the eyes of those...

Should California Be Split Up?

The State of Jefferson movement wants to create the 51st state out of northern California, citing total domination of state politics by southern California.


by The Z Man Whenever the word “secession” is uttered, it is assumed that angry, racist honkies from the South are trying to stand athwart history, keeping America from reaching the great beige future imagined by the Founders. After all, the story of America is Yankee...

#Calexit Ballot Proposal Submitted

SACRAMENTO (CBS SF) – Supporters of the movement for California to secede from the union and form its own country have taken their first formal steps to seek a statewide vote on the idea. On Monday, the Yes California independence campaign submitted their ballot...
florida secession

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