All the West Coast states voted for Hillary over Trump. Facing defeat the #Calexit secession campaign is gaining steam. Will it spread like a western wildfire to Oregon and Washington? Only time will tell.
Metro News covers the reaction:
Since Donald Trump’s electoral victory was first announced, #Calexit has been trending on Twitter, with distraught Californians looking to form their own state.
And although it hasn’t been that long, the idea is really taking off
Well, that took about 30 minutes. #CalExit
— Caprice (@CapiCapone) November 9, 2016
Looks like California can legally secede for some reason. Interesting. #Calexit
— David Latchman (@SciWriterDave) November 9, 2016
Racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, ableism. If all of this makes American ‘great’ again, then we are not America. #CalExit
— California Republic (@SagisAngel) November 9, 2016
Even celeb blogger Perez Hilton is in on the action
I 100% support this!!! Californian independence!!!!! #Calexit
— Perez (@ThePerezHilton) November 9, 2016
Seriously. What are the steps to make this possible??? We must secede!! #Calexit
— Perez (@ThePerezHilton) November 9, 2016
And others are saying Oregon and Washington (and maybe Nevada) should secede too
I Like #WestCoastNation!
When are we Leaving?
California, Oregon & Washington say Bye Bye! Nevada U2 🙂#Election2016
— Tom Hall ☘ (@TomHall) November 9, 2016
If we combine OR & WA what will the red states do without us bailing them out? All the brain trust & money goes w/US of West States #Secede
— Ann Archie (@SamnRickisMom) November 9, 2016
One man suggested that the new country could be called ‘Cow’
CA, OR, and WA should either be a new country known as Cow or a Canadian province(also known as Cow). #CalExit
— Denmark Gacayan (@tekniks) November 9, 2016
Continue reading: #Calexit California wants to secede from US over Trump election win | Metro News