A Two-State Solution… For The West?

by Erico Matias Tavares There’s a cold war raging. No, not the one between the US and Russia. That’s old news. We’re talking about the NEW cold war: the one for the soul of the West. On one corner we have the globalists, basically political and financial...

No Country Should Be Bigger Than This

by Ryan McMaken From the perspective of the state, one of the benefits of growing larger geographically is that bigness makes it more difficult for residents to emigrate or cross over borders to escape taxes. In his writings on the origins of the...

The Case for Secession and Decentralization

by Bionic Mosquito Last April, violence erupted in a place known as Nagorno-Karabakh.  If this doesn’t sound familiar, how about Armenia and Azerbaijan?  No?  Perhaps the furthest southwest corner of the former Soviet Union, just east of Eastern Turkey?  OK, try this:...
florida secession

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