Is America Really Coming Apart, As Charles Murray Suggests?

by Jeff Deist [The Daily Caller, June 23, 2017] A new Rasmussen poll reports that a majority of voters think so, and it certainly feels that way. Since Donald Trump’s election in November, the pace and intensity of deeply divisive rhetoric has accelerated. Antifa and...

Who Says the State is Necessary?

This essay is taken from Human Scale Revisited: A New Look at the Classic Case for a Decentralist Future by Kirkpatrick Sale, published this month. Historically there have been four general arguments for the necessity of the state: To provide defense in case of attack...

The Answer to American Troubles

by Kirkpatrick Sale Now that we see that Donald Trump is going to abandon the platform on which he won his election, and return the Republican Party to its establishmentarian—globalist, neo-conservative—ways, we are once again given proof of the fundamental loss of...

How the Left Learned to Love States’ Rights

by Andrew Syrios Over the course of approximately six hours, the Left in the United States made a spectacular, 180 degree turn on federalism and states’ rights without even recognizing it. Although this lack of self-awareness shouldn’t be particularly surprising...

Democracy, the God That’s Failing

by Jeff Deist When Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe made his famous argument against democracy back in 2001, the notion that voting was a lousy way to organize society was still radical even among many libertarians. Virtually everyone raised in a western country over the...
florida secession

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