California campaign to secede gains momentum

The AFP reports: California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla gave the green light on Thursday for proponents of “California Nationhood” — also known as Calexit — to start collecting the nearly 600,000 signatures needed for the measure to...

The U.S. Is Breaking Up

by Tom Woods I’m trying to tune out politics so I can spend the weekend with my kids undisturbed. Yet I feel compelled to type this out: America is breaking up. The election of Donald Trump has fast forwarded the dissolution of the United States by 50 years, maybe...

Why Freedom Is Favored by Secession and Subsidiarity 

by Fabio Andreotti Majority voting inevitably alienates large parts of a population. As a Swiss citizen, I am all too aware of that fact, since we go to the polls as often as six times a year. This may be the necessary price of our more direct form of representative...
florida secession

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