More Californians dreaming of a country without Trump: poll

By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – The election of Republican businessman Donald Trump as president of the United States has some Californians dreaming – of their own country. One in every three California residents supports the most...

Is California splitting away? 

by Jeff Horseman California’s been described as a nation unto itself. Could it be? “Yes California,” a pro-secession group, filed paperwork with the state attorney general in November for a proposed 2018 ballot measure to strike language in the state constitution...

California secession organizers open embassy in Moscow

There are a few secession movements in California. One wants to create the 51st State of Jefferson and another wants an independent country which has now opened an emabassy in Moscow. California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend, at least in the eyes of those...


by The Z Man Whenever the word “secession” is uttered, it is assumed that angry, racist honkies from the South are trying to stand athwart history, keeping America from reaching the great beige future imagined by the Founders. After all, the story of America is Yankee...

How #Calexit Gets Secession Wrong

Tom Woods writes: We all heard about their sudden interest in secession following the Trump victory. A movement called Yes California wants that state to withdraw from the Union. All of a sudden they’ve discovered the sacred principles of independence,...
florida secession

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